Tracey Erickson
2021 I-29 Moo University Treasurer, Dairy Beef Short Course and Winter Workshop Coordinator
South Dakota State University Extension Dairy Field Specialist
After developing a passion for dairy while growing up on a diversified dairy, livestock and crops farm in eastern South Dakota, Tracey continues to be involved with farming today with her husband and in-laws. With a double major in Dairy Production and Manufacturing, as well as a Masters in Human Resource Management, most of her career has been spent serving dairy producers and the agricultural community through SDSU Extension focusing on Human Resource Management and Safety Protocols, Quality Assurance Programs and Dairy / Livestock development and profitability.
Dairy production, Human Resource Management, Farm Safety Training Programs, Dairy & Livestock Nutrition, and Quality Assurance Trainer.
Phone: 605-882-5140
Email: tracey.erickson@sdstate.edu

Jennifer Bentley
2021 I-29 Moo University Assistant Chair, Winter Workshop and Professional Development Coordinator
Iowa State University Extension Dairy Field Specialist
Jennifer Bentley is a Dairy Field Specialist for ISU Extension and Outreach in NE Iowa. Her base office is in Decorah, Iowa and she currently works and develops educational programming with producers in 10 surrounding counties. Jennifer grew up on a dairy farm in North Central Iowa, where the 3rd and 4th generation family is operating the dairy farm today. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Dairy Science and Masters of Agriculture Degree both from Iowa State University. She works closely with dairy producers, providing them with information regarding facility design, calf management, and overall dairy herd management. She enjoys educating the public about modern dairy practices and plays an integral role in telling the Iowa Dairy Story, a program to educate consumers about the importance of the dairy industry in Iowa. Jennifer is married and has 2 children Owen (12) and Addison (10).
Phone: 563-382-2949
Email: jbentley@iastate.edu

Heidi Carroll
2021 I-29 Moo University Secretary
South Dakota State University Extension Livestock Stewardship Field Specialist and State BQA Coordinator
After working in various aspects of the livestock industries across South Dakota and even Beijing, China, Heidi has promoted responsible animal care and safe food products. She has a Masters Degree in animal science with an emphasis in ruminant nutrition. She handles a wide variety of topics concerning animal well-being and perceptions of livestock care practices
Low-stress livestock handling and behavior; Quality assurance trainer for BQA, BQAT, PQA, TQA, and SSQA; Consumer perceptions of livestock husbandry practices
Phone: 605-688-6623
Email: Heidi.carroll@sdstate.edu

Fred Hall
2021 I-29 Moo University Chair and Webinar Coordinator
Northwest Iowa Extension Dairy Specialist
Hall joined Iowa State University Extension in January 2017 as the dairy specialist for Northwest Iowa. He served as the Chickasaw County Extension Director for Iowa State University Extension from 2005 to July of 2009. Hall was the county lead on the Iowa Emergency Management Agency agricultural disaster team and served on the Iowa Extension Dairy Team. Hall is married to Sharon Lee and has two sons. Conor is a graduate of Iowa State University, served in the U.S. Marine Corps and is currently in law school at the University of Iowa. Cameron is a graduate of Iowa State University in Global Resource Systems and is currently the manager of the Poultry Research Center at Iowa State University. The family lives south of Orange City and are active Milking Shorthorn breeders and beekeepers.
Phone: 712-737-4230
Email: fredhall@iastate.edu

Maristela Rovai
South Dakota State University
Assistant Professor/Extension Dairy Specialist
Dr. Rovai is a Veterinarian from Brazil with a MSc & PhD degree in Veterinary with emphasis in Animal Science (UAB-Spain). She had postdoc positions in USA (UW-Madison and E. (Kika) de la Garza American Institute for Goat Research-Langston University) and Europe (TUM in Germany and UAB-Spain) working in animal science with emphasis in mammary gland physiology and ruminant management. Dr. Rovai’s research activity has involved studies on the area of milk ability in dairy ruminants (goat, sheep, camels and cows), with a strong focus on milking technology, milk quality improvement, mastitis impact on technological properties of milk and cheese. Dr. Rovai has published more than 45 scientific and extension papers and has mentored graduate students in pursuing either their Master or PhD degree in Animal Science. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor / Extension Dairy Specialist at the Department of Dairy and Food Science at the South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD. Dr. Rovai’s main responsibilities are to develop Extension programs for improvement of milk quality and assist dairy producers and industry personnel on workforce development and best production practices. She is also coordinating a program called “Semillas” – the Spanish word for seeds - designed to help Latino youth of dairy workers within the region to embrace their heritage and gain a sense of community while understanding the Dairy Industry. Dr. Rovai has the ability to assist dairy producers on developing farm protocols, educational trainings, which include hands on and assisting with farm employee meetings.
Lactation Physiology and Milk Quality; Employee Educational Training; Speaks fluent Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Phone: 605-688-5488
Email: maristela.rovai@sdstate.edu

Jim Salfer
2021 I-29 Moo University Webinar Coordinator
University of Minnesota Extension Educator-Dairy
Jim Salfer is a Regional Extension Educator – with University of Minnesota Extension. Jim has served in his present position for 22 years. Before that he managed a feed department, was a dairy nutritionist, a district sales manager for an AI company and managed a dairy farm. Jim has been involved on farm research projects studying robotic milking systems and automatic calf feeders. The focus of his education program has been to help farmers and other industry professionals understand the major factors driving dairy farm profitability and develop management strategies to improve profitability.
Phone: 320-203-6093
Email: salfe001@umn.edu