Nebraska Dairy Extension is hosting a no fee dairy webinar the second Tuesday of every month.
Time: 11:00 am CDT
No registration is required. To join the webinar visit:
Meeting ID: 442 896 911
Password: dairyweb
Date | Topic | Presenter |
April 14 | Feed Efficiencies - shrink, wind loss, spoilage, etc. | Mike Brouk, Kansas State University |
May 12 | Kim Clark, UNL | Kim Clark, UNL |
June 9 | Improving Cropland Resiliency by Making Manure Part of Fertility Planning | Amy Schmidt, UNL |
July 14 | Nutritional Energetics | Logan Morris, UNL |
August 11 | Value of Manure | Rick Koelsch, UNL |
September 8 | Mindful Manure Management: 5 Tips for Staying Safe During Manure Application Season | Amy Schmidt, UNL |
October 13 | Can a Weather Forecast Reduce Neighbor Odor Exposure? | Rick Koelsch, UNL |
November 10 | Does pelleting affect digestibility? | Kirby Krogstad, UNL |
December 8 | Feeding strategies with low quality and quantity forages | Paul Kononoff |