Employee Management


Examples of Job Descriptions for Major Positions on Dairy Farms (pdf)

Managing Dairy Labor (pdf)

Hiring Nonskilled Dairy Farm Personnel (pdf)

How to Interview a Prospective Employee and Complete the I-9 Form (pdf)


Guidelines for Better Communication With Your Employees

Kim Clark, Dairy Extension Educator, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

One of the areas I regularly hear that needs improvement is communication with employees. Some managers and bosses do a better job of communicating with employees, and it shows with employee longevity, moral and farm profitability. Outlined below are tools you can use when communicating with employees.

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Every Dairy Needs an Employee Handbook

Kim Clark, Nebraska Dairy Extension Educator

One of the most important resources a dairy can develop to enhance and grow employee communications and retain employees is an employee handbook. A handbook can be as simple as the job description, lists of benefits including paid time off, medical insurance, expectations of each employee and the employees hourly wage.

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